Support Escort Vessel

All swimmers MUST have a support vessel. There is no limit on the number of support vessels you may have. Do not arrive on the beach on the day of the event with no support vessel and expect the organizers to provide one for you. This will not happen!

Solo swimmers generally choose to have a kayak with a kayaker to navigate for them. The kayak is able to stay close to the swimmer, providing the swimmer with protection from dangers such as motorboats or jet skis, and also to provide the provisions and hydration needs for the swimmer’s success.

 All swimmers are responsible for obtaining their own support kayaker and kayak. If you are unable to find a support kayaker, you may contact David Chen @ (954) 802-8322 who will attempt to find a kayaker for you. Please keep in mind that support kayakers will require a minimum financial remuneration at least $200 to offset their accommodations expenses.

For solo swimmers who hire their own kayakers, we are often asked what sort of honorarium to give the kayaker. Considering that the kayaker must be at the pre-race meeting and will spend a full day on the water protecting and feeding you, we suggest a minimum of $200 for such a service.

Relay teams usually choose a motorboat. While supplying the swimmers with safety, hydration and sustenance, the boat will carry the other relay members to the transition points. At the start, the lead swimmer will be in the water and the team-mate(s) will be in the boat. There are no land entries for swimmers! Many relay teams also choose to have a kayaker as an additional support vessel. We highly recommend this as it allows the kayaker to remain close to the swimmer while the motor boat remains at a safe distance from its swimmer and others on the course. Motor boats must be extremely vigilant of swimmers in the water. Stay far enough away to avoid spewing exhaust on all swimmers in the race!

Some relay teams choose to use only kayaks, switching amongst themselves while the other teammates paddle/swim. This can certainly be done (and has been), but please be certain you will be able to paddle after swimming 4 or 6 miles. If not, your team will be disqualified and your teammate will not be too happy with you! This situation happened a few years ago in the two-person relay. The first swimmer finished their leg of the swim and then could not paddle for their teammate. Even though the teammate was fully ready to swim, the team had to be disqualified because there was not a kayaker to accompany the swimmer. Remember, if the weather is rough or windy, paddling can be even more difficult than swimming. Be prepared. All swimmers MUST stay with their kayaker at all times.

There will be no land entries for relay swimmers. Transition points for relay swimmers will be discussed and reviewed at the pre-race meeting on June 27, 2025 at 5:00 p.m.

Relay teams must bring or rent their own boats or kayaks.

All support vessels will be given an orange pennant on a rod with the number of the solo swimmer or the relay team. That number must be placed prominently on the kayak or boat so as to be visible to all. If a relay team has a motor boat and a kayak the kayak should be designated the primary support and hence will carry the orange numbered pennant. Swimmers who show up for the registration or the swim without a support vessel will be disqualified.

Remember, it is the swimmer’s responsibility to tip the kayakers and support boat crews, not the organizers of this event! However, as a show of our appreciation, we welcome, without cost, all kayakers and support boat crew members to enjoy our post-race refreshments on the beach.